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Szukaj Study Connect

Active, Not Recruiting

A Study to Evaluate Whether Participants With Melanoma Prefer Subcutaneous vs Intravenous Administration of Nivolumab and Nivolumab + Relatlimab Fixed-dose Combinations - CA224-1044

Zaktualizowano: 4 grudzień, 2024   |

Wydruk podsumowania

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Szczegóły badania

  • Phase 2


  • Płeć

  • 18+

    Zakres wieku

  • Active, Not Recruiting

Opcje leczenia

Grupy badania
Experimental: Cohort 1: Metastatic Melanoma
Drug: relatlimab+nivolumab, relatlimab+nivolumab+rHuPH20
Experimental: Cohort 2: Resected Melanoma
Drug: nivolumab, nivolumab+rHuPH20

Kluczowe kryteria kwalifikacyjne

Inclusion Criteria: - Must have either metastatic melanoma and have not had previous treatment for their cancer, or resected melanoma and have had the cancer removed fully with surgery no later than 12 weeks before the start of treatment and confirmed free of disease - Must have a low level of disability and cancer that is considered advanced for metastatic melanoma and at risk for becoming advanced (intermediate) or advanced for resected melanoma Exclusion Criteria: - Must not have any brain cancer/disease treated with radiation, any cancer in the eyes or mucous membranes (cells that cover inside surface of parts of the body and keep it moist), any autoimmune disease, or any condition that is being treated with steroids for inflammation (corticosteroids) or medication to decrease the body's immune system response (immunosuppressive drugs) Other protocol-defined inclusion/exclusion criteria apply.