Active, Not Recruiting
A Study of Nivolumab in Patients With Hepatocellular Carcinoma Who Are at High Risk of Recurrence After Curative Hepatic Resection or Ablation - CA209-9DX
15 listopad, 2023
Zakres wieku
Active, Not Recruiting
For more information regarding Bristol Myers Squibb Clinical Trial participation, please visit Inclusion Criteria: - Participants with a first diagnosis of HCC who have undergone a curative resection or ablation - Participants are eligible to enroll if they have non-viral related-HCC, or if they have HBV-HCC, or HCV-HCC - Child-Pugh Score 5 or 6 - Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status (PS) 0 or 1 Exclusion Criteria: - Known fibrolamellar HCC, sarcomatoid HCC, or mixed cholangiocarcinoma and HCC - Any evidence of tumor metastasis or co-existing malignant disease - Participants previously receiving any prior therapy for HCC, including loco-regional therapies - Participants who have undergone a liver transplant or those who are in the waiting list for liver transplantation Other protocol defined inclusion/exclusion criteria could apply