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Active, Not Recruiting

An Observational Study of Nivolumab in Participants With Advanced Kidney Cancer - CA209-9GY

Aggiornato: 26 luglio, 2023   |

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Dettagli della sperimentazione

  • Sesso

  • 18+

    Fascia d'età

  • Active, Not Recruiting

Opzioni di trattamento

Bracci dello studio
Cohort 2: Nivolumab + Ipilimumab
Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) Participants

Principali criteri di idoneità

Inclusion Criteria: - Adult patients with the diagnosis of advanced RCC (histologically or cytologically) whose physician has already decided to initiate a treatment with nivolumab as second or third line therapy for the first time for the treatment of RCC, according to the label approved in France Exclusion Criteria: - Patients with a primary diagnosis of a cancer other than advanced RCC within the past five years, ie, a cancer other than RCC that requires systemic or other treatment - Patients previously treated with anti-PD1, anti-PDL1 or anti-CTLA4 therapy - Patients currently included in an interventional clinical trial for their advanced or RCC. Patients who have completed their participation in an interventional trial; or who are not receiving study drug anymore and who are only followed-up for OS can be enrolled Other protocol defined inclusion/exclusion criteria could apply

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