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A Study to Evaluate the Utilization, Effectiveness, and Quality of Life of Ozanimod in Participants With Ulcerative Colitis - IM047-027

Opdateret: 28 juni, 2022   |

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  • Køn

  • 18+


  • 1


  • Recruiting


Cohort 1
Drug: Ozanimod

Primære egnethedskriterier

Inclusion Criteria: - Only Ozanimod (Zeposia®) naïve participants can be included into this prospective study - Participants are suitable for therapy with Ozanimod (Zeposia®) according to the physician's recommendation (made before enrollment and independently of this Non-Interventional Study (NIS)) - Treatment with Ozanimod (Zeposia®) must be in-label and follow the approved Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) - Participants must have confirmed diagnosis of moderate-to-severe Ulcerative Colitis Exclusion Criteria: - Participants that have previously been treated with Ozanimod (Zeposia®) - Participants with mild Ulcerative Colitis (UC) - Participants with a stoma - Participants participating in other clinical trials - Participants with a planned surgical intervention and hospitalization due to UC - Participants with any contraindications specified in the current version of the SmPC Other protocol-defined Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria apply.

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