Active, Not Recruiting
A Study to Evaluate Efficacy and Safety of BMS-986165 in Participants With Active Discoid and/or Subacute Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus (DLE/SCLE) - IM011-132
18 november, 2024
Active, Not Recruiting
For more information regarding Bristol-Myers Squibb Clinical Trial participation, please visit Inclusion Criteria: - Diagnosis of discoid/subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus (DLE/SCLE) for at least 3 months prior to screening visit - Meets both clinical and histopathological diagnostic cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE) criteria per protocol - Currently receiving treatment for DLE/SCLE with a stable regimen of at least one of the following medications: oral corticosteroid, and/or antimalarial, and/or immunosuppressant Exclusion Criteria: - Women who are pregnant, lactating, breastfeeding or planning pregnancy during the study period - Any of the following specific CLE subtypes in isolation: acute cutaneous lupus erythematosus (ACLE), lupus tumidus, lupus (profundus) panniculitis, chilblains - Drug-induced CLE and/or drug-induced systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) - Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, serious thrombotic event or unexplained pregnancy loss within 1 year before the screening visit - History of 3 or more unexplained consecutive pregnancy losses - Active severe or unstable neuropsychiatric SLE - Other autoimmune diseases or non-SLE driven inflammatory joint or skin disease or overlap syndromes as primary disease that in the opinion of the investigator will significantly impact the assessment of CLE/SLE disease manifestations and activity Other protocol-defined inclusion/exclusion criteria apply
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